Choose the offer that fits your needs
The Rainbow for Developers platform offers a free on-boarding to all developers to start their application development.
Create your application for free today and access to many resources while using our REST APIs or SDKs.
(contacts management, chat, voice, video, screen sharing, file transfer, bubbles, bots and much more...)
CPaaS Subscription Offerings
Subscription via the App Connect offer
For Business Partners
Payment according to the number of App Connect licenses subscribed
The App Connect offer is available to all developers with a Business Partner. It offers a predictive business model that will allow you to define a customer sales price without surprises.
Register on the Rainbow for Developers portal, create your App Connect application and deploy it when ready.
An App Connect application is designed to provide WebRTC communications (Audio, Video, Screen Sharing) and collaboration (chat, screen sharing, file sharing, etc.). Provisioning and administration functions are included in the App Connect subscription.
Billing will be based on the number of licenses subscribed by the Business Partner for one customer and one App Connect application.
For developers
Digital payment
The pay-as-you-go offer is accessible to all developers in self-service on the Rainbow for Developers platform.
Register on the platform, create your application for free in the sandbox, leave you payment details and push your application to production once ready.
Contact our sales representatives in order to start a business discussion on the business model of your project.
Each measured item is priced specifically. You get a free level of usage on the production platform before we start invoicing every month for the usage your application is making of the Rainbow for Developers platform.
Usage is measured and invoiced on four elements per application [1]
Administration APIs
(Create, manage objects and identities on the platform)2000 API calls/month free then 0,005€/$ per API call
[2] See below for complete list of API
Bots & Resources APIs
(Use and connect objects to create services)5000 API calls/month free then 0,001€/$ per API call
[3] See below for complete list of API
WebRTC minutes
(Minutes of voice, video, screenshare used by your identities on the platform)500 min/month free then 0,005€/$ per min
(Gigabytes used by your identities),5 GB/month free then 0,1€/$ per GB
[1] When starting and during execution, our SDKs perform additionnal API requests to keep consistent data with Rainbow, that are part and mixed to the monthly measure.
[2] Administration element targets the following Rainbow API categories: Administration API, Subscription API, Invoices API, Metrics API. This concerns REST API and SDKs when calling methods for administrating users or companies.
[3] Resources element targets the following Rainbow API: Authentication API + All other API offered by SDK for managing resources like bubbles, groups, files, chat, etc..., that are not addressing API listed in [2].
Invoice is done on a monthly basis for the usage of the previous month. Credit card payment is automatic once the invoice is issued [1].
Direct touch / BP Sales
Tailored pricing
Consultative selling
In case your application is part of a business project with a customer or as a software vendor, we would be happy to have a business conversation to evaluate the opportunity for a tailored business model approach [1].
You can register on the platform today and start your project. Create your application in the sandbox today, and push your application to production once a business model is agreed.
Contact our sales representatives in order to start a business discussion on the adapted business model for your project.
By tailored business models, we mean that we can propose pricing models that are more predictable in costs than a pay-as-you-go model (price per user, per company, per bot, per interaction or any other metric that may fit your project).
Those models allow you and/or your customers to have a better alignement between the metrics that matter to you and your customer, and the Rainbow services and resources consumption of your application.